In today's lesson we decided to research into our target audience before choosing our song for our music video as in the past I've learnt that this can affect on what you are able to produce. As a group we decided to focus on our target audience of people that were a similar age to us which is primarily people aged 16-25, the reason is because we can immerge our various interests of music in order to create a video suitable for a wide audience that we'd all be best able to relate to.
Once we decided on our target audience we were then able to research songs based on a variety of genres that we felt our particular age group would enjoy. Upon doing some market research we found that there were three main genres of music that we felt would interest a large audience which were:
We then looked at different music videos relating to the popular genres and analysed them whilst considering numerous techniques that we would apply to our own production work.
ROCK: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE- HELENAThe video links to Andrew Goodwin's theory as the images relate to the lyrics for example at the beginning of the video you see people walking into a funeral parlour with the lyrics
"Long ago, just like the hearse you die to get in again, We are so far from you." is sung over the shots.
There is a relationship between the visual and music elements as the first verse of the song is very slow and so is the movement applied and as soon as the tempo rises so does the action within the video itself.
I personally feel using a song based upon a rock genre would be difficult as the lyrics to the song are very fast which will be hard to get the lip syncing right. The costumes used in this video conform to the stereotypical identity of a rock genre and would be quite easy to portray the characteristics of the genre through make up and costume but I feel choosing the perfect locations would be difficult. As the rock video we have analysed uses a variety of instruments amplified, it would be difficult to get the actors to play together if they didn't have the experience of actually playing before, making the shots look false and unrealistic.
This video shows elements of the key features from Andrew Goodwin's theory.
There is a particular relationship between the visuals and the audio and the video changes pace depending on the tempo of the music. When the bass of the music is relatively heavy there are a lot of images of different people dancing.
Overall we felt that producing a dance/pop video would usually consist of either one or two main artists and if we did produce a video like this then we'd find people willing to participate. However, these types of videos require a great deal of extras, but we don't think we'll have enough resources as well as time to make our video seem professional. Also we feel that if we found a large group of actors it will be very hard to manage and find the time for everyone to attend filming. We feel that this genre of music may not be appropriate for an A2 level course but all things considered, the pace of music would mean we'd be able to get different shots making it easier to edit and the pacing of the lyrics will make it simpler to manipulate by using our editing skills to their maximum potentials.
We analysed that Goodwin's theories are displayed within this particular music video as there is reference to both the visual and audio element as the video is like a live performance.
The camera isn't stationary but there are a variety of shot distances and angles which can be considered when filming our video. There are different shots of the instruments and this video conforms to the style and iconography of the genre: wearing casual clothes and playing upbeat music.
Out of all the genres we've analysed we personally felt that indie music would be easier to do, as the costumes would be easy to achieve and the video uses a maximum of 5 people and we feel we'd be able to find this amount of people without too much difficulty. There are shots of instruments, and between the three of us, we are able to access them. Overall, another factor helping us to make our final decision is that we've previously completed productions using this particular genre of music so we can put all our ideas across in order to make our music video successful.
CONCLUSION-We have decided on the target audience of 16-25.-We are going to produce a video based upon an indie genre.